
Make your family dream come true

Fertility treatments are specific to each patient. Here are our prices excluding and with RAMQ. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.

Fertility treatments RAMQ Ø RAMQ
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
Oral stimulation monitoring Covered * $400
Gonadotropin stimulation monitoring Covered * $400
Insemination Covered * $550
In vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization – stimulated cycle

(monitoring, egg puncture, embryo culture and fresh embryo transfer)

Covered * $7 500
In vitro fertilization – natural cycle

(monitoring, egg puncture, embryo culture and fresh embryo transfer)

Covered * $4 800
ICSI Covered * $1 500
Time Lapse Not Covered $1 900
Embryos freezing Covered * $1 150
Embryos storage Covered * $500
Frozen embryos storage (per year) Covered * $500
niPGTA and Time Lapse combination Not Covered $2 900
In vitro fertilization with egg donation
IVF with egg donation (egg bank)

(egg warming, fertilization and embryo transfer)

Not Covered $7 500
Pre-implantation screening (PGT-A)
PGT-A Not Covered Price per embryo
PGT-M Not Covered Price per embryo
PGT-SR Not Covered Price per embryo
In vitro fertilization with directed egg donation
IVF with directed egg donation

Donor (Monitoring, Puncture, Freezing with 1 year of storage)

Recipient (egg warming, fertilization and embryo transfer)

Not covered $11 150
Social preservation
Social preservation (egg)

(Monitoring, Puncture, Freezing with 1 year of storage)

Not covered $6 000
Frozen egg storage (per year) Covered * $500
IVF with frozen eggs
Egg warming, fertilization, and embryo transfer

(ICSI, Hormonal assay, Ultrasound, hcg assay and viability ultrasound)

Covered * $6 000
Frozen embryo transfer

(Hormonal assay, ultrasound, hCG assay and viability ultrasound)

Covered * $2 500
Testicular sampling
Pesa Covered * $3 000
Tese Covered * $3 000
MicroTESE Covered * Not offered
Spermogram including DNA fragmentation test (QUAD Sperm test) Not covered $400
DNA fragmentation test alone Not covered $400
Sperm test only Not covered $400
Checking for sperm in urine Not covered Coming soon
Zymot Not covered $500
PICSI Not covered $500
Sperm freezing Covered * $500
Frozen semen storage (per year) Covered * $500
Hysterosonography (tubal patency) $400
Basic ultrasound (3D and ovarian reserve) $200
Pelvic ultrasound $200
Viability ultrasound $200
Viability ultrasound (Control) $100
Consultation with specialist Covered * $400
Follow-up visit Covered * $100
Injection by nurse Not covered $50

* Eligibility according to RAMQ program criteria